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How to Descale Your Keurig: Tips and Tricks for a Better Brew

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Are you tired of subpar coffee from your Keurig machine? Do you notice a decrease in the strength and quality of your brews over time? Chances are, your Keurig needs to be descaled. Descaling is a process that removes mineral buildup from the machine's internal components, allowing it to function at its best. In this blog post, we will explain how to descale your Keurig and provide tips and tricks for maintaining your coffee machine.

What is Descaling, and Why is it Important?

Descaling is the process of removing mineral buildup, or scale, from the internal components of your Keurig machine. Over time, the buildup of scale can lead to clogs, reduced water flow, and even damage to your machine's heating element. Descaling your Keurig regularly can improve the taste and strength of your coffee, as well as prolong the life of your machine.

How Often Should You Descale Your Keurig?

The frequency with which you should descale your Keurig depends on your usage and the hardness of your water. If you use your Keurig every day and have hard water, you may need to descale it every three months. If you use it less frequently or have soft water, you can likely get away with descaling it every six months to a year. Pay attention to the taste and strength of your coffee, as well as any unusual noises or issues with your machine. If you notice a decline in quality, it may be time to descale your Keurig.

How to Descale Your Keurig

  1. Empty and Clean the Water Reservoir: Start by emptying the water reservoir and removing any remaining water. Then, wash the reservoir with soap and warm water and rinse thoroughly.

  2. Add Descaling Solution: Purchase a descaling solution that is compatible with Keurig machines. Follow the instructions on the package to mix the solution with water and pour it into the water reservoir.

  3. Run the Machine: Place a large mug on the drip tray and start a brew cycle without a K-cup. Allow the machine to run until it stops and then discard the contents of the mug.

  4. Rinse and Repeat: Repeat step three until the "Add Water" light comes on, indicating that the water reservoir is empty.

  5. Rinse the Reservoir and Run a Clean Cycle: Refill the water reservoir with clean water and run a clean cycle without a K-cup. Repeat until the water in the mug is clear and free of any descaling solution residue.

  6. Clean the Machine: Clean the exterior of the machine and all removable parts, such as the drip tray and K-cup holder. Then, reassemble the machine and enjoy a freshly descaled and brewed cup of coffee.

Tips and Tricks for Maintaining Your Keurig

  1. Use Filtered Water: Using filtered water can help reduce the buildup of scale and prolong the life of your machine.

  2. Clean the Reservoir Regularly: Empty and clean the water reservoir at least once a week to prevent bacteria growth and keep your machine in top shape.

  3. Remove K-cups After Use: After brewing a cup of coffee, remove the K-cup from the machine to prevent it from dripping and causing clogs.

  4. Descale as Needed: Pay attention to the taste and strength of your coffee and descale your Keurig as needed to keep it functioning at its best.


Categories: Cleaning, Kitchens | Authored by: RE DESIGN | Posted: 04/14/2023