Storing Clothing: Tips & Tricks For Keeping Your Wardrobe Fresh

Storing clothing may seem like a straightforward task, but if done improperly, it can lead to damage, wrinkles, and unpleasant odors. Proper storage not only keeps your clothes looking new but also prolongs their lifespan. In this blog post, we will discuss tips and tricks for storing clothing that will help you maintain the quality of your wardrobe.

  1. How to Store Different Types of Clothing
    Different types of clothing require different storage methods. For instance, knitwear should be folded instead of hung to prevent stretching, while delicate items like silk and lace should be hung to avoid creases. Additionally, fabrics like leather and suede should be stored in breathable bags to prevent mold and mildew growth.
  1. What is the Best Way to Fold Clothes for Storage?
    Folding clothes properly for storage is crucial to avoid wrinkles and save space. The KonMari method, for instance, involves folding clothes into small rectangles and storing them vertically, which not only maximizes space but also makes it easier to find specific items. Another method is the basic fold, where clothes are folded in half and then in thirds to create a neat rectangle.
  2. What are the Best Storage Containers for Clothes?
    Choosing the right storage containers can make a big difference in the longevity of your clothes. Avoid using plastic bags as they trap moisture and can lead to mildew growth. Instead, opt for breathable containers like canvas or cotton storage bags. You can also use plastic containers, but make sure to add desiccant packets to absorb any moisture.
  1. How to Store Off-Season Clothes?
    Off-season clothes take up valuable space in your wardrobe and can also attract pests if left unattended. The best way to store them is to clean them thoroughly and then store them in sealed containers or bags with desiccant packets. You can also consider vacuum-sealed bags that compress the clothes, saving space.
  1. How to Store Shoes?
    Shoes are an essential part of your wardrobe and require proper storage to maintain their quality. Store them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Avoid storing shoes in plastic bags or containers as this can cause mold growth. Instead, use shoeboxes or breathable storage containers.

Proper storage of clothing is essential for maintaining their quality and prolonging their lifespan. By following these tips and tricks, you can keep your wardrobe looking fresh and organized. Remember to store each type of clothing appropriately, fold clothes correctly, choose the right storage containers, and clean and store off-season clothes and shoes properly.


  • Should I store my clothes in plastic bags?
    No, plastic bags trap moisture and can lead to mildew growth. Use breathable storage containers or bags made of canvas or cotton instead.
  • Can I store shoes in plastic containers?
    No, plastic containers can cause mold growth. Use breathable storage containers or shoeboxes instead.
  • How should I store off-season clothes?
    Clean them thoroughly and store them in sealed containers or bags with desiccant packets. You can also consider vacuum-sealed bags that compress the clothes, saving space.
  • How do I fold clothes for storage?
    There are various folding methods, including the KonMari method and the basic fold. Choose a method that works best for you and ensures that clothes are folded neatly to avoid wrinkles.
  • Can I hang all types of clothing?
    No, delicate items like silk and lace should be hung to avoid creases, while knitwear should be folded to prevent stretching. Always check the care label of your clothing to determine the best storage method.


Categories: Interior Design, DIY | Authored by: RE DESIGN | Posted: 04/30/2023

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