Bathroom Renovation Tips for the Average Joe

Bathrooms are often overlooked when people think about home improvement projects. But this room has a lot of potential for making your house feel bigger and brighter. Keep reading!

Start with a Plan

Before you start any project, make sure you have a plan. This will help you stay organized and keep track of what needs to be done. It also helps prevent mistakes and saves time.

Choose a Budget

If you're planning on doing a major renovation, you'll need to set a budget first. Start by looking at how much you can afford to spend. Then, consider the size of the room you'd like to remodel. Finally, think about the materials you'd like to use.

Find a Contractor

Once you've determined what you want to do, find a contractor who specializes in bathrooms. Ask them questions about their services, such as whether they offer free estimates or not. Also ask them about their experience with other projects similar to yours.

Hire a Designer

If you're looking to make a big splash in your bathroom renovation, hire a designer. A professional will help you choose colors, materials, fixtures, and more. They'll also ensure that everything matches and complements each other.

Select Colors

Color is one of the easiest ways to transform a room. It's also one of the most affordable. There are several different ways to select color schemes. One option is to use a paint chip book. This allows you to see how various shades of paint look together. Another option is to visit a local home improvement store and ask them to show you samples of what they offer.

You don't have to be an expert to renovate your bathroom.

There are many ways to renovate without spending too much time or money.


Creative Bathroom Ideas to Make Your Home Feel Cozy