How to Get Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen

Gnats are small flying insects that feed on blood and other fluids. They're often found around food preparation areas, especially when there's standing water nearby. Keep reading!

Clean Out All Garbage Cans

If you have any garbage cans in your kitchen, make sure to clean out all the contents before putting them back into service. This includes cleaning out the lids as well. You should also check the inside of the lid to ensure no gnats are hiding inside.

Remove Sponges from Dishwashers

It’s not uncommon for dishwashers to harbor pests such as cockroaches, ants, and termites. However, there are some things you can do to prevent these pests from entering your home. First, remove sponges from the dishwasher. Second, wash dishes by hand instead of using a sponge. Third, use a dryer sheet to keep your clothes fresh. Fourth, vacuum regularly. Finally, seal cracks and crevices with caulk.

Wash Dishes by Hand

If you have a problem with gnats in your kitchen, washing dishes by hand might be the solution. This method is effective because it removes food particles and bacteria from dishes before they reach the sink.

Check Food Storage Containers for Leaks.

Another option is to use an insecticide spray. You should only use these sprays when absolutely necessary, as they can cause serious health issues.

Seal Cracks with Plastic Wrap.

If you notice any cracks in your walls, ceiling, or floor, you can seal them up by using plastic wrap. Simply cut off a piece of plastic wrap and place it over the crack. Make sure to leave enough room so that air can still flow through the area. Leave the plastic wrap in place until it dries completely. Once dry, remove the plastic and apply another layer of tape to cover the plastic. This method works well for small cracks, but larger ones require more work.

Spray Insecticide Around Baseboards

Another option is to spray insecticide around baseboards. This will kill the gnat larvae before they hatch into adult flies.

Check For Dead Spiders Or Ants

If you find dead spiders or ants, make sure to dispose of them properly. You should never leave an ant colony unattended because they can quickly multiply and become a problem.


How To Get Rid Of Gnats In Your Home