Ways to Keep Snakes Out of Your Yard

Snakes are dangerous creatures that can cause serious injury or death. They're also very good at hiding in places where people might not expect to see them. To avoid getting bitten by a snake, learn how to identify poisonous species and use these methods to deter them from entering your property.

Don't Leave Food Around.

If you leave food outside, there's a chance that a hungry animal will find it and eat it. This could lead to an encounter with a venomous snake.

Plant flowers.

If you have an area of your yard that is overrun with weeds, plant flowers there. This will help attract birds and butterflies, both of which eat insects giving snakes less things to eat. It will also make your yard more attractive to visitors.

Cover your garbage cans.

Don’t leave any food scraps lying around. They attract rodents, who then become prey for snakes. Make sure your trashcans are covered when not in use.

Set traps.

If you live in an area where there are poisonous snakes, you should set up snake traps. You can buy these at local hardware stores or online.

Remember that not all snakes are dangerous.

Many can be helpful to prevent mice and insects in your yard as well!
